I usually start of with a theme... it is handy if one is given, such as theGreat Big Stitched Postcard Swap by the inspiring innovators at Do What You Love : Create... With Theme in hand I start off brainstorming, writing down words, phrases associated with the concept. For this particular wordCREATE, ideas and imagination were the two most reoccurring words. They ideas. It's about making ideas happen." Scott Belsky "Everything you can imagine is real." Pablo Picasso. From there I start to build: I doodle and collect images (I use pinterest- you can follow my Mood Board here). Then narrow down on concepts, which can be hard especially when words such asIdea and Imagination have such big meanings but I picked two- Brain (my husband is a neuroscientist, so the brain is brought up a lot) and Lightbulb, how many of us have seen a cartoon with a lightbulb atop a characters head when they have a bright idea? I know a cliche right? I had a very smart creative man tell me once that sometimes a cliche says it best, everyone already knows what you mean by it. I played with the idea of a brain, a head, a combination of both images but then I decided to go for simple. A light bulb containing text. I wanted it to be concise and say exactly what I was thinking/feeling "Create More Ideas".
were presenting themselves over and over again in my own lists and phrases. "It's not about
Click Through the pages of my Sketchbook to see some of my process...
Through creative process I often create more ideas than I use... Sometime they are abandoned, sometimes they are left to be fleshed out later and sometimes they spawn their own little idea babies.
Show me your creative process and I will show you mine!!! You can follow me on Facebook A
Scrappy Carp or on Instagram
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